Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weekend Wear

Sorry I'm a few days late on my weekend wear post, but I'm still playing catch up from being gone.  This weekend, I decided to dress up a little bit and wear my new shoes, vest, and long sleeve shirt.  I heart new clothes!

Oh and I would like to apologize in advance for the iPhone pictures... this should be the last time.  I finally will have my camera back and fully charged soon.  Remember how I mentioned that I left my camera at home here.  Well over Thanksgiving I did go home and pick it up, BUT when I returned home I couldn't find the charger.  And of course I have a camera that doesn't take AA batteries, but has some fancy recharging one.  It was such a drag having my camera, but no battery power to use it.  Anyways, it has been found (thank goodness!) and is on it's way to be fully charged.

On a side note, I was staying at a hotel so the lighting and the mirror are not the best.  That is another reason I'm so happy to have found my camera!

Shirt: Old Navy, Vest: Rue 21, Belt: Came with a dress from Forever 21, Jeans: Target

Shoes: Rack Room Shoes

1 comment:

  1. First, love that color on you!! SO flattering!

    Second, LOVE THOSE SHOES. Freakin' adorable!
