Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the big girl world, we still get SNOW DAYS

We're experiencing the first blizzard of the Ozarks today.  That reads 5 inches and it's actually a 'high' spot in the backyard; it's all I could reach without having to actually GO outside.  I left the ruler out there too, that way I can see how high it gets within the next few hours.

It's pretty bad outside around these parts of Missouri.  On my way home from work around noon today I had to drive on a sidewalk to go around some cars that had gotten stuck in the intersection.  I am so GLAD that I made it home safe and sound. I am working from home today and probably tomorrow, so for the next few days, Maggie and I will be staying in where it's nice and warm.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you two find a cozy warm spot and stay there until it thaws out where you are.

    By the way, I read your Awkward and Awesome post in Google Reader and I wanted to leave a comment but it says that it's not available....so I'll just tell you here on this post. I love your hair. The color is so pretty, I'm kinda jealous. I was hoping that you actually dye your hair and you could tell me what you use if you do it yourself because I think I'd like to give my hair a touch up too.
