Monday, August 9, 2010

Life update ... so far

It's been awhile since I've had the time, or really anything to talk about on my blog.  Don't get me wrong I have been busy.  It's been almost like a tornado the past few weeks.  Let's start with the oldest event and work our way forward:

Kyle at The Lady & Sons
Kyle & I on the dinner cruise
Vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina with Kyle's family.  It was a blast.  A week filled with relaxing on the beach, eating good southern fried food.  I did get burned the first day we were there, so in the pictures I have this red tan line from my suit.  We traveled to Savannah, Georgia one morning, and we waited in line to make reservations at The Lady & Sons (Paula Deen's restaurant).  After the reservations were made we took the trolley through historic Savannah, seeing all of the old homes and history was neat.  In Savannah they have this society in which new construction in the city has to be done to a specific code, similar to how it would of been done when the town first started.  The trolley driver stopped between two houses that appeared identical, one was built in the 1800s, the other in 1996.  I couldn't get over how every detail was identical.  I wish Springfield would have a society similar to that! 

After the week long vacation I came home to packing my apartment.  Who knows why I decided that the best weekend to move was the one right after my trip.  Luckily my parents were willing to help.  Now, I am in a bigger place with a fenced in yard for Maggie.  I have to admit that my favorite feature about the place is the garage.  No more scrapping ice and snow off my windshield during the winter.  I will be having an AHHH moment after the first snow.

I have been in my new place a little over two weeks and still have several boxes to unpack.  Kyle has helped put together shelving units for the garage, so all of my many many Christmas boxes can be organized; and he put together a bookcase in my office.  I don't know if I would call it much of an office right now, sure it has a bookcase, desk, file cabinet, and other pieces of an office; but I haven't used it much.  The main reason for that is the fact I do not have internet hooked up yet.  I've been debating internet for too long and just need to get it.  It's so expensive in Springfield and I just keep thinking that the money could be better spent elsewhere, but then I realize I have been slacking on updating this blog and have had a difficult time finding a way to pay my bills online.  I have a feeling that I will have to break down and get internet hooked up this week.

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